Straume, L. V., & Vittersø, J. (2013). Measuring Optimal Experience at Work: Comparing the Challenge-Skill Balance, the Experiencing Fluctuation Model and the Flow Simplex. Paper submitted for publication.
Vittersø, J. & Straume, L. V. (2020). Personal Growth. In Zeigler-Hill, V. & Shackelford, T. K. (Eds.) Encyclopedia of Personality and Individual Difference, (pp. xx). Cham, Switzerland. Springer International Publishing.
Straume, L. V. & Vittersø, J. (2017). Fully Functioning Person. In Zeigler-Hill, V. & Shackelford, T. K. (Eds.) Encyclopedia of Personality and Individual Difference, (pp. 1-4). Cham, Switzerland. Springer International Publishing. DOI. 10.1007/978-3-319-28099-8_1469-1.
Straume, L. V. & Vittersø, J. (2015). Well-being at work: Some differences between life satisfaction and personal growth as predictors of subjective health and sick-leave. Journal of Happiness Studies 16, 149-168. doi:10.1007/s10902-014-9502-y
Straume, L.V., (2015). Leadership development in positive psychology: Practical methods for balancing the use of core values and strengths. Symposium presentation at the EAWOP Conference, Oslo: May 22
Sagør, R. & Straume, L. V. (2015). Strenght-based leadership development in teams and organizations. Symposium presentation at the EAWOP Conference, Oslo: May 22.
Kvernmo, A. & Straume, L. V. (2015). Symposium Magic Moments. Strength-spotting in value-oriented leadership development. Symposium presentation at the EAWOP Conference, Oslo: May 22, 2015.
Straume, L. V. (2014). It takes more than happy feelings to function well: Distinguishing between hedonic and eudaimonic well-being in the work-place. Dissertation for the Doctor’s Degree in Psychology, NTNU.
Straume, L. V. & Vittersø, J. (2012). Happiness, Inspiration and the Fully Functioning Person: Separating Hedonic and Eudaimonic Well-Being in the Workplace. Journal of Positive Psychology, 7, 387-398.
Straume, L. V. and Vittersø, J. (2010). Measuring Subjective Experience at Work: Comparing the Flow-Simplex and the Challenge-Skill Ratio Using a Multilevel Approach. Oral presentation given at the 5ht European Conference on Positive Psychology, Copenhagen, Denmark. June 23-26th. Discussant: Prof. Felicia Huppert
Straume, L. V. & Kopperud, K. H. (2009). Flow: A Positive Experience. In Christensen, M. (Ed.). Validation and test of central concepts in positive work and organizational psychology. Second Report of the Nordic Project. TemaNord 2009:564.
Straume, L. V. & Christensen, M. (2009). Resources and job performance: The mediating role of flow. In Christensen, M. (Ed.). Validation and test of central concepts in positive work and organizational psychology. Second Report of the Nordic Project. TemaNord 2009:564.
Straume, L. V. (2009). Positiv psykologi i tverrfaglige team: Flyt og kreativitet. I Fyhn, H. Kreativitet og tverrfaglighet: Teori og Praksis. Tapir Akademiske Forlag.
Straume, L. V. and Vittersø, J. (2008). Differences between hedonia and eudaimonia: Evidence from state and trait approaches. Symposium presentation at the 4th European Conference on Positive Psychology, Opatja, Croatia. July 1-4th. Discussant: Prof. Marisa Salanova
Straume, L. V. and Vittersø, J. (2008). Measuring Flow: Comparing different approaches. Symposium presentation at the 4th European Conference on Positive Psychology, Opatja, Croatia. July 1-4th. Discussant: Prof. Antonella Delle Fave.
Straume, L. V. (2008). Flow as a Resource: A Contribution to Organizational Psychology. Tapir Akademiske Forlag.
Straume, L. V. (2008). Positive Factors at Work. Contributions in the First Report of the Nordic Project, edited by Christensen, M. TemaNord 2008:501.
Straume, L. V. (2008). Flow and the Psychology of Optimal Experiences: Theoretical and Empirical Approaches. Presentation given at the International Seminar on Positive Occupation Health Psychology. Benicasim, Castellon, Spain. April 24-26th.
Straume, L. V. (2007). Optimal Experiences and Occupatinal Health. Oral presentation at the 9th Conference on Social and Community Psychology, November 8th & 9th, NTNU, Norway.
Straume, L. V. & Vittersø, J. (2007). Hedonic and Eudaimonic Experiences: Well-Being Across Work Situations. Paper presented at the IXXXth European Congress on Work and Organizational Psychology, Stockholm, May 9-12.
Straume, L. V. & Vittersø, J. (2007). Positive Psychology and Occupational Health: The Role of Life Satisfaction and Personal Growth. Paper presented at the 1st Applied Positive Psychology Conference, Warwick University UK.
Straume, L. V. (2005). Building a practically useful theory of flow in organizational psychology. In Rønning, B. Flyt – en nøkkel til kreativitet og innovasjon. Tapir Akademiske Forlag.
Straume, L. V. & Christensen, B. (2005). Flyt og positiv psykologi. In Rønning, B. Flyt – en nøkkel til kreativitet og innovasjon. Tapir Akademiske Forlag.
Straume, L. V. & Vittersø, J. (2005). A Personality Approach to Happiness and Development: Emotional Responses to Success and Failure. Paper presented at the 2nd Workshop on Capabilities and Happiness, University of Milano - Bicocca, Italy, 16-18 June, 2005.
Straume, L. V. (2004). Flow as a Resource. Paper presented at the 5th Conference on Social and Community Psychology, NTNU, Norway.
Eksempel: Straume, L. V. (2003). Work-family Conflict and Stress. Paper presented at the 4th Conference on Social and Community Psychology, NTNU, Norway.